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Clothing Super Swap

Refresh your wardrobe for free, with no environmental impact!

Bring 5 items and take 5 at our Super Swap.

Clothes are collected throughout the week to be quality checked and sorted so you will need to donate your five items prior to Saturday 12 April.

Our team will then give you your Swappers Card giving you permission to swap on Saturday 12 April.

This will mean all clothing meets a standard, making the swap process far more enjoyable for you!

Te Oraka | 109 Saint David St, University of Otago campus, Dunedin

This event is FREE, but you do need a Swappers Card to access the swap stock on Saturday.

This is pat of Te Oraka Social Club, a seasonal event programme built to create community and change on campus. Every student from University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic is welcome!

1 April

Crafty Club