Be part of the collective impact.
Tī Kōuka Ora enables the kotahitanga (collective action) of staff and students making efforts towards strategic change.
Our decade of action
The Toitū te Taiao team has been working with epic tāngata across campus to deliver our 2023 – 2030 Sustainability Strategic Framework, Tī Kōuka. This document provides direction in what the United Nations refers to as our decade of action.
This framework is firmly placed in Aotearoa and approaches the challenges and opportunities of a sustainability transition through a bi-cultural and Tiriti based lens. The process of developing this framework alongside the Office of Māori Development has been critical in shaping our vision. This acknowledges the significant value of mātauraka Māori in creating a more sustainable future.
This document provides direction in what the United Nations refers to as our decade of action. The process of developing this framework alongside the Office of Māori Development has been critical in shaping our vision and Tī Kōuka acknowledges the significant value of mātauraka Māori in creating a more sustainable future.
To achieve a Tī Kōuka E-Badge, teams or individuals will complete actions across a range of minis that connect to the visions of Tī Kōuka.
We currently have 7 introduction minis connected to the seven visions of Tī Kōuka, with more being added over 2024
Collect badges

our first minis explore the seven visions of Tī Kōuka
Green Your Scene becomes Tī Kōuka Ora.
Over the past four years we have offered a programme that creates a space for staff to connect to people, places, sustainable ideas and actions, supporting kotahitanga (collective action). Each year we have embraced key learnings, informing improved ways to do things.
It is clear that learnings post-COVID, delivered a focus on effectively juggling resources, time and energy in teams across campus. This reshuffle saw teams giving feedback that GYS was no longer fitting appropriately within mahi and workspaces, despite being moldable and flexible.
Alongside the key learnings of GYS, our team has been working with epic tāngata across campus to deliver our 2023 – 2030 Sustainability Strategic Framework, Tī Kōuka. This document provides direction in what the United Nations refers to as our decade of action. The process of developing this framework alongside the Office of Māori Development has been critical in shaping our vision and Tī Kōuka acknowledges the significant value of mātauraka Māori in creating a more sustainable future.
Recognising team feedback and strategic growth, our team have been working on how GYS may inform and influence activation of Tī Kōuka, ensuring it remains a living document of encouragement and support rather than collects dust on a shelf.
This mahi has us excited to change the GYS programme in 2024 to instead inform Tī Kōuka activation for staff within their workplace and residential colleges, being more closely connected with strategic changes.
Tī Kōuka Ora captures elements from Green Your Scene that you love, with an annual structure that allows you and/or a team to be celebrated for their efforts with e-badging. Tī Kōuka Ora outlines simpler pathways of aligning with not only Tī Kōuka but also Pae Tata – efforts that are important for staff to be recognised for and can be brought into PDR conversations.