
This first Hui marks the end of O-Week, offering a holistic experience encompassing community connection, goal setting, environmental awareness (through the welcome kits), and practical information on local transportation. Participants will embark on a journey through significant locations, fostering a sense of belonging and orientation in Dunedin.

The event leads seamlessly into the beginning of Semester 1 lectures on the 26th of February.

Meet your expert

Demi Lawrence

Sustainability Neighbourhood Tētēkura

Demi has first-hand experience of what it’s like living in the Neighbourhood, additionally having lead the Sustainability Neighbourhood throughout 2023. She is the best person to ask all those silly questions to!

She was also received a Green Gown Award for her efforts toward sustainability as a student champion.

Tune in

Tune in to what Demi is sharing about the Sustainability Neighbourhood!

Things happening

  • Join Uniflats in the picnic area at Sustainability Village Green for a picnic to get to know other residents!

  • Welcome, connect & explore | Feb 24 | 1pm

    Route: start at Sustainability Village Green - SEA Garden - Te Oraka - Framers Market - George street - original neighbourhood.

    Stop at Te Oraka - brainstorm, goal setting for self, flat and your new community.

  • Ready, set, go!

Feb Garden To Do’s

mid - late summer actions to complete

Plant (established):

  • Tomatoes

  • Capsicum (bell peppers)

  • Zucchini

  • Cucumbers

  • Mixed greens

  • Basil and other herbs

Sow Seeds:

  • Carrots

  • Radishes

  • Beans

  • Lettuce

  • Spinach

  • Kale

  • Spring onions


  • Regular watering, especially during dry periods.

  • Mulch to retain soil moisture.

  • Watch for pests and diseases