
This Hui with the lovely guest expert, Georgia, concentrates on being a sustainable consumerism, even as a student! With a specific focus on TradeAid (a local business) and FairTrade.

Understanding consumerism is crucial as it empowers you to make informed choices, enabling you to live more ethically and sustainably by considering the social, environmental, and economic impacts of your purchases. We’ll further learn about sustainable local businesses, what, why and how they make it happen.

This months activation hui will bring together all the Sustainability Neighbourhoods to meet more sustainablily-minded people from across the uni, as we host a Neighbourhood BBQ!

Tune in

Coming soon:

A reel &/or podcast with Georgia chatting all things TradeAid & FairTrade!

Meet your expert

Georgia Tattersall

Educator on the Trade Aid Dunedin Trust.

Georgia has been involved with Trade Aid for over 5 years, first volunteering in the shop before joining the Trust one year ago. This experience has only furthered her keen interest in fair trade and ethical consumerism.

She has presented in various lectures alongside facilitating discussions on fair trade in the University and Polytech. 

As a student herself, she totally understands the struggles of student living!

“I hope I can provide some encouragement and guidance in finding ways to consume more sustainability while being conscious of the impact your purchases make.”

Things happening

  • Sustainable Consumerism Hui w Georgia

    When: Monday May 6

    Where: Te Oraka (109 Saint David st)

    Time: 2pm

  • bringing tangata together involved in sustainability from across the university

    When: Monday May 8

    Where: Te Rua Tī (379 Leith street)

    Time: 5:30 pm

  • Get ready for exams!

May Garden To Do’s

Winter approaches!

Plant (established):

  • Winter greens (e.g., kale, silverbeet)

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Winter lettuces

Sow Seeds: 

  • Peas

  • Broad beans


  • Continue cleaning up the garden.

  • Mulch around perennial plants for winter protection.