
Exams are coming, but so is the break!! As we wind down on huis, we introduce Hannah, a hands on expert in Marine Life. We will unpack the importance of marine life and its conservation within Dunedin and Aotearoa, with the hopes you can take some time to explore the wonders of Dunedin Marine life yourself over the break.

This hui will have some great resources for holiday to-do’s – it’s one not to miss!  

Tune in

Tune in chats with Hannah before she joined DOC and was part of the susty team!

Meet your expert

Hannah Zwalue

Community Ranger for Department of Conservation (DOC)

Community Ranger at DOC, running the engagement programs like Toyota Kiwi Guardians, Lead the Way and UrbanNature. Alongside this I work in the education space and process statutory work under the Conservation Act amongst other pieces of legislation.

I am lucky enough to have experience in a range of different habitats, including the marine realm. Animal handling experience spanning from internationally to Tahiti working with black tip reef sharks and lemon sharks, and more locally northern Royal Albatross, yellow eyed penguin, New Zealand Sea Lion and other species.

I’m really interested interested in cultural management and conservation in the marine space, so this would be my ideal job one day.

Things happening

  • Marine Life Expert Hui

    When: Monday May 27

    Where: Te Rua Tī

    Time: 5.30pm

  • Kei ōu ringaringa te ao

    The world is yours

June Garden To Do’s

Winter is here!


  • Plan for next semester’s garden.

  • Cover cropping to improve soil fertility.

  • Protect plants from frost if needed.